Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hey y'all!

So I thought before I dived into the blog world, I'd share just a little about who I am.  My name is Jenni and I am a wife to Ben and mom to Montgomery. 

I plan on writing two separate posts dedicated to these two guys!

I am the Children's Minister at Flewellyn Baptist Church in Springfield, TN and also work part-time as a school social worker.  Needless to say, I stay busy!

I started this blog to share more about our life and all the happenings in it.  I wanted to blog not only about my family and being a mom to a toddler, but also about my ministry.  I love hearing about new ideas and things to try with my church kiddos and my own sweet boy, so please share!  I usually start of most of my crafts, games and fun science experiments at church with... "I saw this online, so I have no idea if it will work!" They usually go over great, but some have failed miserably.  I'll let you know what has worked and what hasn't so that you can save your time and effort!

The most important job title I have is Mom, so a lot of this blog will be dedicated to fun stories, updates and pictures of my time with Montgomery.  I enjoy reading other mommy blogs and hope that I can be a reminder to a momma who is currently crying her eyes out because her baby won't sleep, that it does get better.  You will eventually get sleep and you may even miss these sleepless nights at some point.  I am still learning as I go, so I know I don't know everything! I can only offer what Ben and I have tried and what has worked for us. 

I in no way created this blog because I think I am a writer (you will quickly discover that I am not).  I have no doubt that there will be countless mistakes found throughout each and every post.  I hope that you can look past the mistakes and typos and enjoy this journey with us!


1 comment:

  1. It'll be hard to overlook your typos, it's true...haha, kidding. I'm happy to see you entering my neck of the woods! You're a great sister and an even better mom, and I'm excited to see where your blog goes.
