Sunday, October 20, 2013

The first two weeks of the new me

My last blog post about my weight loss journey was extremely emotional so I wanted to do a 2 week update.  When I wrote last week's blog, I was already a week in, but had really just changed my eating habits.  This past week I also added in walking.  On Sunday I issued myself a public (via facebook) challenge to walk 10 miles by Saturday at noon.  Now, to some of my readers I am sure that sounds like hardly anything!  But to me, 10 miles in a week is a huge accomplishment. 

I remember going on a walk with my mom when I was still in high school and her telling me that I should be able to walk a mile within 15 minutes or less.  I walked it in about 12-13 minutes and thought it was pretty easy.  So imagine my surprise when I got on a treadmill at the YMCA about 3 months after I had Montgomery and was out of breath and tired within 2 minutes.. walking at a slow speed!  My mind had every intention of killing 3 miles no problem in under an hour, but my body couldn't.  I have let that moment define my ability to exercise ever since.  I have an attitude of "I can't" simply because I don't want to be let down my body again.  

My son is now 2 years old.. I think it's time to step it up and change!

So I did it!  This week I walked 10 miles within a week's time.  The week started out pretty slow, walking a mile here and 1.25 miles there, but by Tuesday I began walking 2 miles a day! And Friday I walked 2.5 miles (after my cheat night, no less).  I ended the challenge by having a slow-paced one mile walk with my sister on Saturday morning.  I felt extremely accomplished and proud of myself.  I thought about upping the challenge to 12 miles this week, but I think I'll do another 10 mile challenge instead.  12 miles next week, though!  

What I don't want anyone to think is that I have fallen in love with exercise and eating healthy and am totally all about it.. because I in no way have!  Do I enjoy how I feel after a day of making good food choices?  Yes!  Do I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after walking?  Totally.  What I don't enjoy is the actual walking and the actual having to make those choices.  I can honestly say that I loathe every step I take the first 10-13 minutes during my routine.  Once I get passed that, I'm usually in a better mood and start semi-enjoying it.  I also enjoy being able to put my food choices in my weight watchers app and seeing how few points I've used.  

One thing that has really helped hold me accountable and motivated me to keep going is the support I have received.  After I made my last blog public, I read countless messages of other women and men who share the same feelings and experiences I do concerning weight loss.  I can't say enough how encouraging your support is.  Please don't stop asking me about about this journey!  

Another motivator has been a walking buddy.  For now, we are meeting on Wednesday mornings and walking before our families are up for the day.  This holds me accountable to meet my walking goals, at least for Wednesday!  

My husband has also been a huge support.  He is on this journey with me, but has had to be creative with his exercise options.  He tore his Achilles' Tendon back in February and has since recovered.  However, he obviously doesn't want to over do it as his tendon is still healing.  So almost every night this week he has gone upstairs with me after M goes to bed.  I walk on our obnoxiously loud treadmill and he lifts weights while we watch tv together.  It has been a huge support and helps me more than he'll ever know!  

I only lost 1.6 this week, which is a little frustrating. I know that that is actually a pretty healthy number, but I expected higher since its only my second week on this journey.. and I want to aim high! I know some of that number had to do with what week this is for me (ladies, I know you can relate).  So my total weight loss is 5.6 pounds.  I am hoping that all of my walking really shows on the scale this week! 

So for this week, I have another 10 mile challenge and really want to push myself to walk 3 miles in a day, at least twice.  I've only done that once since I've had Montgomery and that was at a 5k... and my sister was practically dragging me across the finish line.  I KNOW I can do this!  I would really love to start noticing a difference in my clothes by Thanksgiving, which I think is doable.  Please keep praying for Ben and I on this journey and thank you so much for your support!  


1 comment:

  1. Hi there I found your blog looking for daniel tiger ideas & well like most moms the weight is a huge problem. I hope you continued in your weightloss journey! God bless.
